
Sizzle reel

A selection our rich-media and instant-play HD video advertisements.

We hope you enjoy viewing them as much as we enjoyed creating them.

Responsive creative

What is responsive and why does it matter?

We believe that your advertising should make the most of the amazing technology and sharp screens that have come to define mobile. That is why we were early adopters of responsive design and why we take pride in ensuring that no matter where they run, the rich-media ads we produce are responsive. It all just fits.

Linking News is an online press release distribution service that helps you get your press release published on major news outlets without the label of a third-party company. With our service, your press release is guaranteed to be published on several top-tier news outlets, including ABC, NBC, and FOX network, Yahoo News, Yahoo Finance, Business Insider, Associated Press, MarketWatch, and more. We have the strongest network in the industry, with connections to over 330,000 publications, 900,000 journalists, and 90 million social media influencers around the world. 

Best Press Release Distribution Service




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